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PostgreSQL Hebdo #104

Lu ces dernières semaines : Postgres v16: 14 Cool New Features ; PostgreSQL 16 en RC1 : la publication de PostgreSQL 16 approche ; Top 10 Postgres Management Tasks : Quelques conseils pertinents pour les administrateurs souhaitant maitriser leurs instances PostgreSQL ; Streamline the SQL Code: Guide  […]

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PostgreSQL Hebdo #82

Lu ces dernières semaines : Quick 📸 on 🐘 active SQL from pg_stat_statements Postgres HA: roles are dynamic PG Phriday: Do’s and Don’ts of Postgres High Availability Q&A Taking Advantage of write-only and read-only Connections with pgBouncer in Django The anatomy of a linux read call ; part 2 UK  […]

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PostgreSQL Hebdo #48

Lu ces dernières semaines : PostgreSQL Row Level Security, views and a lot of magic Publication de PgBouncer 1.11.0 : Managing High Availability in PostgreSQL – Part I, Part II et Part III No Offset : Pagination with Relative Cursors Livre sur le SQL dans  […]

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